Thursday, August 25, 2011

Some news: Lustfaust... Bitte Nicht Biegen...

 My head has been down these last couple of weeks. Under the radar, as it were...
With the book pretty much finished and almost ready to launch, I've been recharging the batteries. Reading a lot - and one book I just finished, William Gibson's latest, 'Zero History,' made me think of Lustfaust, James Shovlin's conceptual project from a couple of years ago. Then I remembered that one of the people involved with Mr Shovlin, Murray Ward, had just made some material available over on 'The Lows and the Highs,' for whom I sporadically record. Bitte Nicht Biegen. Meant to post this at the time but forgot... As there were only three of the handmade packages, these might have gone, but Murray has also released everything as digital downloads etc. ' One of the great art works of the last fifty years,' as Guido Van Baelen, one of the surviving members of Lustfaust, said in the Berlin Club Ausland one late night last year. (It was very noisy so I think that's what he said).

Lustfaust could have been managed by Hubertus Bigend, Gibson's enigmatic genius...

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