Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Cheap red wine and two budweisers in the refrigerator...

Anyone would think I was turning into an alcoholic...

but I've been sat here most of the evening dealing with stuff pertaining to the up-coming and very wonderful festival we are putting on - Saturday 10th September - SPORADICFEST - and after that I was working on a review of Odd Nosdam's album 'Burner' (scroll down a bit)
which started as a piece for the Plexus site - and then I realised the full length version should go here - if anyone gets through the initial part and is still breathing they can click - hypertextuality so does rule... and metanarrative almost as I find myself in need of putting some words up here to keep the bugger rolling and so I am writing about a review that I am still writing and will go up on two web sites and has a certain amount of cross-referencing which I have been checking back on Google etc for correct links and - the beat goes on, doesn't it? Sometimes, I get the dizzy feeling that I'm entering a Philip K Dick novel! Hey, it's just the Internet - and as I've been using it for a long time, I should know by now how it takes you. But I have always had enthusiasms - one of them being obsessional bookmarking of urls that grabbed me along the way - which does come in handy when a synapse fires in the middle of a sentence and you can click away to check something - or follow a tangental idea. Such as - the real reason I broke the review into two parts was - the first is a track by track critical essay: hey rock and roll etc - the second part jumps off into deeper waters, linking Odd Nosdam with William Burroughs and Charles Ives to put him squarely (or should that be - hip-ly - ?) in the American Maverick tradition - then spins off to consider whether the Maverick is not, after all, the mainstream of an American Aesthetic based, for my purposes, on the words of Charles Olson: 'I take SPACE to be the central fact of man born in America'. So now I'm commenting on my own critical review which hasn't been posted yet - which loops backwards and forwards formally - and all the links will be in it, I promise, as they are not here. But it's getting relatively late - the red wine was... interesting but sharp, bought from the Turkish shop over the road - a late night blessing. However, I think it needs to be cut with a can of Budweiser... and to those who say I have no taste - literally, folks, you are almost right. After all the surgery last year - I don't. Which is why I like Bud - something about the flavour I can respond to which is not there in other drinks any more. At last - free of the drinking mafia! And real-ale freaks! And for those concerned about my moral well-being - well, bless you, good people, but one of the other knock-ons from illness was that I can't actually drink a great deal anyway. Which for an old hardcore drinker should be a drag - but oddly enough isn't. Boozing can get very boring - and I know/knew a lot of boozers, many of them dead from the stuff. But let's not get sanctimonious (difficult on a couple of glasses of a red wine with very obscure provenance and a close proximity to vinegar soon to be chased with a Bud before bed)... most of them their company I enjoyed. So to end a 'filler' blog, I guess - let's raise the Parting Glass. Goodnight and joy be with you all...
And to anyone who got this far - and wants to HELP - HURRICANE KATRINA STUFF/INFO IS HERE...

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