Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Xmas in June? DJ Whitedog slips off the space/time continuum (again...)...

The sun is shining – your deity (pick...) (or not) is in his/her/their heaven... all seems right with the world – at least in this corner of God's Little Acre. I found a DJ Whitedog mix while I was searching for something special – Joe Harriot - that I wanted to post and comment on – in lieu of any other inspiration and until I find the missing tracks – I present:

The DJ Whitedog Xmas Mix!

Somewhat out of phase with the turning of the year – but working on the no-doubt sentimental principle that every day should be Xmas Day... it was created very late one night on an overdose of Jack Daniels and Bud chasers apparently... the Blessed Whitedog not always forthcoming about his muse's operational strategies... for a Xmas party that never happened... so here is a mix for a Xmas party that you can create for yourselves in the approach of Mid-Summer. Or, as Whitedog no doubt intends, being a thrifty soul, unlike myself, to recycle for next Xmas. The music is a strange melding of old and new and obscure... and it's a long continuous file so be warned...

Ho ho ho... etc...

The DJ Whitedog Xmas Mix

1 comment:

St. Anthony said...

Starts out sounding like the soundtrack to the scariest horror movie you ever saw, or maybe a particularly bonkers Kenny Anger piece.
That bit near the end , when dear old Ginsberg wafts in and out over 'America'is marvellous.