Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I didn't put up the rest of my review from the Freedom of the City fest... usually I would have attended for a couple of days or more solid - this year just a scattering, due to other commitments. When I read back what I originally intended to post about the 'Feral Choir,' I thought: well, these I do not dig, to the point that I find them hilarious and for all the wrong reasons (maybe...). Some of the other stuff I caught was... o.k. - but I was tired when I got there that last night and left before the end. Exhaustion is not the best state to be in when listening to music, of whatever genre. Reviewing afterwards - well, it would have come out as very negative, when that would not have been my intention. I vigorously support the endeavours of all who are committed to the experimental musics I love, know what a battle it is to get finance and resources only too well - so I figured on this occasion, my critical faculties might not have been too finely tuned. I still find the concept of the 'Feral Choir' (whooo - we're scary) hilarious, and will mention the fact - but I don't want to take the piss in an unbalanced way that would reflect on the work of too many people I respect. Not that anyone or any organisation is above criticism - far from it, many dangers in living in a bubble - but the pluses of this year - new venue which may well turn out to be a good move for the future, the artists I caught who blew me away - and one who surprised me greatly, causing me to rethink old attitudes - and the plain fact that in hard times we need to pull together, made me think: not this time round. Most of what I got to I thoroughly enjoyed and look forward to next year...

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